Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery

The Center for Weight Control – Weight loss is a journey, and at Sharon Regional Medical Center, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Bariatric Surgery

2425 Garden Way, Suite 101
Hermitage, PA 

Eating Healthy

Accredited Bariatric Surgical Services Offered at The Center For Weight Control

Bariatric AccreditationIf you've struggled with obesity and traditional weight loss solutions, you're far from alone. More than 1 in 20 Americans over the age of 20 are morbidly obese, increasing their risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, and keeping them from the happy and active life they deserve.

You may be a candidate for bariatric surgery if you are:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 65
  • Obese with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or above
    Calculate your BMI HERE. This calculator is not intended to take the place of a health care professional. If results indicate that you may be obese, it is important to share the results with your doctor.
  • Struggling with an obesity-related condition like hypertension, heart disease, or sleep apnea
  • Have tried or are currently trying to lose weight through other means such as diet, exercise, and behavioral changes
  • Psychologically ready for weight loss surgery and willing to commit to a whole new lifestyle
  • Not drug or alcohol dependent

Weight surgery is not a quick fix, but it can be part of a comprehensive plan to help you find weight loss success, relieve problems caused or worsened by obesity, and jumpstart a healthier, more active lifestyle.

To get set for surgery, you must:

  • Attend a Weight Loss/Bariatric Informational Session 
    Join our Bariatrics team for a FREE online information seminar to discuss the program overview and weight loss options. 
  • Meet with our Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery and our Bariatric Program Coordinator 
    This appointment will be set-up for you after you attend the weight loss/bariatric information seminar.  Together you will coordinate your participation in nutrition, wellness and exercise counseling.
  • Attend appointments with medical providers  
    These include specialists in the areas of pulmonology and sleep medicine, psychological testing, and cardiology, as indicated by your surgeon

Once your surgery has been scheduled, we'll organize a pre-operative work up for you.

At Sharon Regional Medical Center, you can begin the journey with confidence. The Center for Weight Control at Sharon Regional Medical Center is a Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program (MBSAQIP) Center. Board-certified surgeon and Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery, SHEETAL NIJHAWAN, M.D., specializes in minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques, which typically require just a few small incisions.

Compared to traditional open surgery, these procedures often offer a host of benefits, including:

  • Less pain
  • Less scarring
  • Less risk of infection
  • Fewer complications
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Faster recovery

Procedures include:

  • ROBOTIC-ASSISTED GASTRIC BYPASS: "Roux-en-Y" gastric bypass surgery is considered the gold standard for weight loss surgery by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and is the most widely used procedure for patients seeking significant results. It works by making the stomach smaller, allowing for smaller meals. The operation also makes the food bypass part of the small intestine, causing less absorption of calories and nutrients, and changes in hormones that help promote fullness.
  • ROBOTIC-ASSISTED SLEEVE GASTRECTOMY: This procedure removes approximately 80 percent of the stomach, leaving behind a thin, vertical "sleeve-like" tube. Sleeve Gastrectomy permanently reduces the size of the stomach, limiting the amount of food you're able to eat and helping you feel fuller sooner. There is no rerouting of the small bowel, so any food consumed passes through the digestive tract in the usual order, allowing it to be fully absorbed in the body. Metabolic changes induced by the operation affect the energy balance and hunger pathway leading to early satiety.
  • ROBOTIC-ASSISTED REVISIONAL OPERATIONS: These procedures correct complications and failures in previous weight loss operations. Patients may require a revisional procedure for a variety of reasons, including weight regain due to stretching of the stomach pouch, surgical complications, or device malfunction, such as band erosion. Revision operations can help put you back on track to achieving your weight loss goals.

We are a Surgical Quality Partner of the American College of Surgeons (ACS)

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As an American College of Surgeons (ACS) Surgical Quality Partner, we're committed to the highest standards of surgical care. This designation reflects our proven record of adhering to the most rigorous standards in surgical quality, to minimize complications, improve outcomes, and save lives. 

Our participation in the ACS Quality Programs helps ensure that we continue providing our patients with the best care possible. When you see the ACS Surgical Quality Partner mark in our hospital, you can trust that we're dedicated to quality and relentless self-improvement. 


A Bariatric Surgery Story – Not an Extreme Solution to Treat Your Obesity

Millions of Americans Qualify for Bariatric Surgery. Do You?

Don’t Believe the Myths. Learn the Truth about Bariatric Surgery.

Alexis Gould - 95 lbs. lost

Matthew Emch - 188 LBS. lost

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